In FY2023, Parkwind’s share of EU Taxonomy aligned turnover amounts to 99,4%. Aligned turnover pertains to the sale of electricity and the provision of operations and maintenance services to offshore wind farms. Non-eligible revenues, accounting for 0,63% are associated with holding, management, and administrative activities.
FY2023 marks the first time Parkwind assessed EU Taxonomy alignment for its offshore wind activities. As a result of this assessment, revenue from the same activities that were classified as eligible in FY2022 has been reclassified as aligned revenue in FY2023.
In FY2023, 98,5% of Parkwind's capital expenditures are linked to taxonomy aligned activities, driven by the development and construction of offshore wind farms.
Parkwind has prioritized the alignment assessment of its offshore wind activities and is currently assessing alignment for the remaining eligible activities. In FY2023, Parkwind’s investments in the development of a hydrogen bunkering facility, which accounts for 0,19% of additions to capital expenditures, is - pending conclusion of associated alignment assessment - classified as taxonomy-eligible. Unlike in FY2022, there were no additions to Parkwind’s car fleet, resulting in a decrease of 0,07% in eligible CAPEX under activity 6.5.
Non-eligible capital expenditures are associated to office leases, refurbishments, furniture, and office equipment.
In FY2023, 98,5% of Parkwind’s operational expenditures are EU Taxonomy-aligned. These expenditures are associated with the construction and operation of wind farms, including maintenance and repair, research and development, and other direct expenses such as variable leases, offshore logistics and training.
Additionally, 1,25% of eligible operational expenditures are related to the research and development of a hydrogen bunkering facility currently under development (activity 4.12) and short term car rentals (activity 6.5).
Non-eligible operational expenditures are related to (short-term) office leases and rent.
Accounting policies, estimates and assumptions
Following the Disclosure Delegated Act (2021/2178) Parkwind’s EU alignment KPI’s consider only consolidated entities and exclude equity pick ups. The KPI’s take into account revenue and CAPEX for FY2023 as specified in the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.
The financial year FY2022 covers the period of 01 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. Parkwind’s consolidated financial statements only consider entity contributions for the period in which entities are consolidated.
Intra-group transactions are eliminated at consolidated level.
Although Parkwind is not yet in scope of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, Parkwind chooses to report on EU Taxonomyalignment on a voluntary basis. Applied accounting policies and EU Taxonomy-eligibility results are based on Parkwind’s best interpretation of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and Delegated Acts. ©2024 Content may not be reproduced, copied, displayed, or published in any form without written permission of Parkwind N.V.